Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Love Is a Fallacy

Is Max Schulman's novel, Love is a Fallacy, anti-women or anti men? Although the answer to this question is very argumentative, many people would read this essay and immediately agree that this essay was written in an anti-woman perspective. However, there are those who would view this essay in the anti-men perspective as well. Moreover, neither view is 100% accurate. The story does, in fact, have a number of anti-women elements; however, there are also anti-men characteristics that are included. This being said, equally strong arguments can be made for both sides. The view of this specific essay all depends on the reader. Therefore, this story is not only anti-women, but it is also anti-men. There are definitely elements of this essay that support the anti-women argument. For example, the narrator makes the character Polly out to be quite unintelligent and of a â€Å"ditzy† nature. Therefore, the narrator seems to think of Polly only in the way of being a woman of beauty. He did not want to date her for any other reason at all. This is noticed when he says â€Å"I wanted Polly for a shrewdly calculated, entirely cerebral reason. I was a freshman in law school. In a few years, I would be out in practice. I was well aware of the right kind of wife in furthering a lawyer's career. The successful lawyers I had observed were, almost without exception, married to beautiful, gracious, intelligent women. With one omission, Polly fitted these specifications perfectly†. This statement said by the narrator makes it clear that he views Polly only as a beautiful symbol and nothing more. Viewing Polly in this way the narrator is nothing short of being ant-women. Nevertheless, this story also has its anti-men elements. This essay revolves around a man who believes none can ever measure up to his greatness. The narrator classifies himself as â€Å"better than the rest†. To illustrate, the narrator does not believe that a woman as beautiful as Polly would go for a man with low intelligence such as Petey. The narrator believes, because Petey is not a law-student or as intelligent as himself, Petey is of a lower standard. The narrator believes he is superior to Petey. The narrator is represented as what has become something of a stereotypical, condescending man. The way the narrator looks down on Petey definitely falls into the anti-men argument. As it is now clear, this essay has both anti-women and anti-men elements. This essay was written purposely to be an argumentative essay; therefore, there is no right or wrong argument. Love is a Fallacy is a very controversial story, meaning that the view of this essay, whether it is anti-men or anti-women, all depends on the reader. As many readers would argue about whether this essay is anti-women or anti-men, unfortunately, this question can never be accurately answered. The argument about which side the story is based on could go on forever. The conclusion I have drawn about whether Schulman's essay is anti-women or anti-men is that its subject matter contains both anti-women and anti-men elements. Therefore, this essay is just as much anti-men as it is anti-women. Love Is a Fallacy Is Max Schulman's novel, Love is a Fallacy, anti-women or anti men? Although the answer to this question is very argumentative, many people would read this essay and immediately agree that this essay was written in an anti-woman perspective. However, there are those who would view this essay in the anti-men perspective as well. Moreover, neither view is 100% accurate. The story does, in fact, have a number of anti-women elements; however, there are also anti-men characteristics that are included. This being said, equally strong arguments can be made for both sides. The view of this specific essay all depends on the reader. Therefore, this story is not only anti-women, but it is also anti-men. There are definitely elements of this essay that support the anti-women argument. For example, the narrator makes the character Polly out to be quite unintelligent and of a â€Å"ditzy† nature. Therefore, the narrator seems to think of Polly only in the way of being a woman of beauty. He did not want to date her for any other reason at all. This is noticed when he says â€Å"I wanted Polly for a shrewdly calculated, entirely cerebral reason. I was a freshman in law school. In a few years, I would be out in practice. I was well aware of the right kind of wife in furthering a lawyer's career. The successful lawyers I had observed were, almost without exception, married to beautiful, gracious, intelligent women. With one omission, Polly fitted these specifications perfectly†. This statement said by the narrator makes it clear that he views Polly only as a beautiful symbol and nothing more. Viewing Polly in this way the narrator is nothing short of being ant-women. Nevertheless, this story also has its anti-men elements. This essay revolves around a man who believes none can ever measure up to his greatness. The narrator classifies himself as â€Å"better than the rest†. To illustrate, the narrator does not believe that a woman as beautiful as Polly would go for a man with low intelligence such as Petey. The narrator believes, because Petey is not a law-student or as intelligent as himself, Petey is of a lower standard. The narrator believes he is superior to Petey. The narrator is represented as what has become something of a stereotypical, condescending man. The way the narrator looks down on Petey definitely falls into the anti-men argument. As it is now clear, this essay has both anti-women and anti-men elements. This essay was written purposely to be an argumentative essay; therefore, there is no right or wrong argument. Love is a Fallacy is a very controversial story, meaning that the view of this essay, whether it is anti-men or anti-women, all depends on the reader. As many readers would argue about whether this essay is anti-women or anti-men, unfortunately, this question can never be accurately answered. The argument about which side the story is based on could go on forever. The conclusion I have drawn about whether Schulman's essay is anti-women or anti-men is that its subject matter contains both anti-women and anti-men elements. Therefore, this essay is just as much anti-men as it is anti-women.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


Chlorine gas was used during the war a lot. Chlorine gas was first used April 22 191 5 at leper in Belgium. There were many ways of use of the gas for example; artillery shells, mortar projectiles, aerial bombs tank sprays and landmines were used to spread the chemicals around. During the Cold War the United Stated and Russia had enough chemical weapons to wipeout most animal and plant life on earth.Blologlcal weapons were deployed In various ways to gain strategic or tactical advantage over an advisory. The united States developed an anti-crop capability that used bio-herbicides or myco-herbicides to destroy enemy agriculture. Fisheries and water-based vegetation was also targeted. Wheat blast and rice blast were weaoponized in aerial tanks and cluster bombs to deliver to enemy water sheds. Even though herbicides are chemicals they are grouped with biological warfare and chemical warfare because they work the same as blotoxlns and ioregulators.Japan poisoned Chinese water wells to s tudy how many people got Typhus and other diseases. Germany also used bioweapons at the beginning of the Second World War. Oplnlon/Crltlque: In my opinion bioweapons were both good and bad but I think that they were mostly bad. The bad toxins that are Inside somebody can get Into their genes and be passed on to their child If they have any. If there Is a child and one of the parents have toxins in them the child can come out looking deformed and mutated.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Bulling and Cyberbulling

This essay will address the issue of both bullying, harassment and in particular cyber bullies. It will also suggest ways to cope with bulling According to schools. nsw. edu. au bullying is repeated verbal, physical, social or psychological behaviour that is harmful and involves the misuse of power by an individual or group towards one or more persons. The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development’s Building Respectful and Safe Schools (2010) identifies four types of bullying. These are: * Physical bullying -Physical bullying is bullying physically including hitting, kicking, tripping, pinching and pushing or damaging property. * Verbal bullying- Verbal bullying is bullying someone using words. For example-name calling, insults, teasing, intimidation, homophobic or racist remarks, or verbal abuse. * Covert bullying- Covert bullying is often harder to recognise and can be carried out behind the bullied person’s back. It is designed to harm someone’s social reputation and/or cause humiliation. Covert bullying includes: lying and spreading rumours, negative facial or physical gestures, menacing or contemptuous looks, playing nasty jokes to embarrass and humiliate, mimicking unkindly, encouraging others to socially exclude someone and damaging someone’s social reputation or social acceptance * Cyber bullying- Cyber bullying is overt or covert bullying behaviours using digital technologies. Examples include harassment via a mobile phone, setting up a defamatory personal website or deliberately excluding someone from social networking spaces. Cyber bullying can happen at any time. It can be in public or in private and sometimes only known to the target and the person bullying. Bulling is not mutual arguments and disagreements, single episodes of social rejection or dislike, single episode acts of nastiness or spite, random acts of aggression or intimidation. The standard definition for harassment is unwanted conduct on the grounds of race, gender, sexual orientation etc. which has the purpose or effect of either violating the claimant’s dignity, or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for them. All bulling is harassment but not all harassment is bulling. Bulling has both short term and long term effects for the victims. Although severe long term effects can be avoided by stopping bulling as early as possible. The short term effects can include issues at school (i. e. lower academic achievement), depression and anxiety, increased feelings of sadness and loneliness, changes in sleep and eating patterns, and loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy. These issues may persist into adulthood. In extreme cases bullied children may also have suicidal tendencies. Long term effects can include: a greater risk of depression and lower self-esteem later in later life, more likely to have problems with alcohol and drug use and it is more likely they will have suicidal thoughts Demonstrating assertive behaviour when bullied or harassed can often help reduce bulling. Assertive behaviour is not aggressive. It’s saying things in a direct and honest way. Saying things such as stop it, I don’t like it and what you’re saying isn’t very nice please stop. If you are being bullied or harassed the most important thing to do is tell someone. People like a trusted adult such as a teacher, councillor or parent are all good to tell. If all else fails call a kids or bulling helpline such the kids helpline on 1800 55 1800. Cyber bullying is when a child, preteen or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted by another child, preteen or teen using the Internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones. It has to have a minor on both sides, or at least have been instigated by a minor against another minor. Once adults become involved, it is plain and simple cyber-harassment or cyber stalking. Adult cyber-harassment or cyber stalking is NEVER called cyber bullying. The actions of a cyber-bully are biasedly verbal bulling over technology. This is includes messaging on a social site, email and texting. There is no way to completely avoid cyber bullies unless you pretty much stop using the computer. But there are things you can do to lessen the chance of being cyber bullied. Firstly if you think you might be being cyber bullied then talk to a trusted adult. Secondly if the bulling is happening over social networking sites then most sites give you the option to block people. If it’s over the phone then talk to your parents about getting a new number. Bibliography http://ncab. org. au/fourkindsofbullying/ 24/8/12 http://www. stopbullying. gov/at-risk/effects/index. html#suicide 24/8/12 http://library. hinkquest. org/07aug/00117/bullyingconsequences. html 24/8/12 http://www. cyberbullying. info/ http://au. reachout. com/Factsheets/C/Cyberbullying http://www. cybersmart. gov. au/Kids/Tips%20to%20stay%20safe%20and%20cybersmart/Cyberbullying. aspx http://www. bullyingnoway. gov. au/ http://www. bullying. com. au/ http://www. youthbeyondblue. com/factsheets-and-info/fact-sheet-20-bullying/ http://www. stopbullying. gov/at-risk/effects/index. htmlhttp://www. racgp. org. au/afp/20 1103/201103carrgregg. pdf Bulling and Cyberbulling Bulling and Cyberbulling This essay will address the issue of both bullying, harassment and in particular cyber bullies. It will also suggest ways to cope with bulling According to schools. nsw. edu. au bullying is repeated verbal, physical, social or psychological behaviour that is harmful and involves the misuse of power by an individual or group towards one or more persons. The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development’s Building Respectful and Safe Schools (2010) identifies four types of bullying. These are: * Physical bullying -Physical bullying is bullying physically including hitting, kicking, tripping, pinching and pushing or damaging property. * Verbal bullying- Verbal bullying is bullying someone using words. For example-name calling, insults, teasing, intimidation, homophobic or racist remarks, or verbal abuse. * Covert bullying- Covert bullying is often harder to recognise and can be carried out behind the bullied person’s back. It is designed to harm someone’s social reputation and/or cause humiliation. Covert bullying includes: lying and spreading rumours, negative facial or physical gestures, menacing or contemptuous looks, playing nasty jokes to embarrass and humiliate, mimicking unkindly, encouraging others to socially exclude someone and damaging someone’s social reputation or social acceptance * Cyber bullying- Cyber bullying is overt or covert bullying behaviours using digital technologies. Examples include harassment via a mobile phone, setting up a defamatory personal website or deliberately excluding someone from social networking spaces. Cyber bullying can happen at any time. It can be in public or in private and sometimes only known to the target and the person bullying. Bulling is not mutual arguments and disagreements, single episodes of social rejection or dislike, single episode acts of nastiness or spite, random acts of aggression or intimidation. The standard definition for harassment is unwanted conduct on the grounds of race, gender, sexual orientation etc. which has the purpose or effect of either violating the claimant’s dignity, or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for them. All bulling is harassment but not all harassment is bulling. Bulling has both short term and long term effects for the victims. Although severe long term effects can be avoided by stopping bulling as early as possible. The short term effects can include issues at school (i. e. lower academic achievement), depression and anxiety, increased feelings of sadness and loneliness, changes in sleep and eating patterns, and loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy. These issues may persist into adulthood. In extreme cases bullied children may also have suicidal tendencies. Long term effects can include: a greater risk of depression and lower self-esteem later in later life, more likely to have problems with alcohol and drug use and it is more likely they will have suicidal thoughts Demonstrating assertive behaviour when bullied or harassed can often help reduce bulling. Assertive behaviour is not aggressive. It’s saying things in a direct and honest way. Saying things such as stop it, I don’t like it and what you’re saying isn’t very nice please stop. If you are being bullied or harassed the most important thing to do is tell someone. People like a trusted adult such as a teacher, councillor or parent are all good to tell. If all else fails call a kids or bulling helpline such the kids helpline on 1800 55 1800. Cyber bullying is when a child, preteen or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted by another child, preteen or teen using the Internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones. It has to have a minor on both sides, or at least have been instigated by a minor against another minor. Once adults become involved, it is plain and simple cyber-harassment or cyber stalking. Adult cyber-harassment or cyber stalking is NEVER called cyber bullying. The actions of a cyber-bully are biasedly verbal bulling over technology. This is includes messaging on a social site, email and texting. There is no way to completely avoid cyber bullies unless you pretty much stop using the computer. But there are things you can do to lessen the chance of being cyber bullied. Firstly if you think you might be being cyber bullied then talk to a trusted adult. Secondly if the bulling is happening over social networking sites then most sites give you the option to block people. If it’s over the phone then talk to your parents about getting a new number. Bibliography http://ncab. org. au/fourkindsofbullying/ 24/8/12 http://www. stopbullying. gov/at-risk/effects/index. html#suicide 24/8/12 http://library. hinkquest. org/07aug/00117/bullyingconsequences. html 24/8/12 http://www. cyberbullying. info/ http://au. reachout. com/Factsheets/C/Cyberbullying http://www. cybersmart. gov. au/Kids/Tips%20to%20stay%20safe%20and%20cybersmart/Cyberbullying. aspx http://www. bullyingnoway. gov. au/ http://www. bullying. com. au/ http://www. youthbeyondblue. com/factsheets-and-info/fact-sheet-20-bullying/ http://www. stopbullying. gov/at-risk/effects/index. htmlhttp://www. racgp. org. au/afp/20 1103/201103carrgregg. pdf

My Life In Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

My Life In Business - Essay Example I tend to build close relationships with a small group of associates, who together we make progress as we come up with ideas to make the business more productive. Before I make a decision, I conduct a thorough analysis so that I can save time and not repeat the same process again. I am good at analyzing situations, and I believe in situations whereby I can examine the facts. I believe in situations where I can observe a situation and come up with a solution. This attribute makes me an integral part of any team I am a part of. Acquiring my trust takes time because a person has to prove him or herself and know what is expected of them in regards to their duties and responsibilities. I have experience in problem solving, building good business and personal relationships. I also express my feelings good or bad regardless of the situation and if a task is too difficult, I enlist the help from other people to help me accomplish it. I am also empathetic and patient with other people and I indulge with fellow people who are service oriented. I prefer colleagues who when attending meetings, start with a personal comment or joke to break the ice and also provide a friendly environment for the meeting. I prefer that we find common ground and explain their situations with facts, figures and not wasting time in engaging in small talk. I prefer people who work first and then relax and socialize later. I also prefer to listen to everyone`s contribution while in a meeting instead of just proposing and imposing ideas on other people. I do not associate myself with individuals, who are dictatorial, make promises they cannot keep and the individuals who use their positions to t hreaten others. I have also learnt how to communicate with individuals with different characteristics and traits. For example, when dealing with an easily irritable person, I do not indulge in unnecessary dialogue, I stick to business and I am as brief and specific as possible. I am very

Sunday, July 28, 2019

International Contemporary Slavery Research Paper

International Contemporary Slavery - Research Paper Example This study will examine international contemporary slavery and the facts that differentiate it from early forms of slavery. The study will also look at the factors that led to modern day slavery, forms of contemporary slavery, the politics involved, the international law and policies on slavery between countries, and steps taken to eradicate the problem. Contemporary slavery Many people approach slavery as part of collective history subscribing to the â€Å"rise and fall† of the slavery trajectory. When people speak of slavery, they imagine enslaved Africans toiling in sugar plantations and finally ending through the two legislations. They do not associate current times with slavery. The fact is that an estimated 27 million slaves exist today in the world. This number is more than double the number of slaves obtained from Africa and transported across the Atlantic. According to the international labor organization, 12.3 million people across the world are in one form of forced labor or another. United Nations estimates that 600,000 to 800,000 persons are trafficked internationally every year. Close to half of those involved in slavery are primarily young girls and women sold out for sexual exploitation (Bales 9). While most countries have anti-trafficking laws in place, their enforcement is erratic and in some, the laws are non-existent. The US State Department points out that 62 countries have failed to convict traffickers under the Palermo protocol as declared by UN. Currently, the slavery industry is estimated to be a $32 billion industry placing it at the same level with illegal arms trade and drug trafficking (Bales 50). International contemporary slavery is similar to past slavery in that it is characterized by violence and exploitation (Bales 12). However, today slavery is no longer a legal institution neither is it significant for any country’s economy. Slavery is also not a relationship based on ethnicity or race. Like in the past, slaver y exists in many forms; but modern slavery has two main characteristics, which differentiate it from early slavery. Today’s slaves are cheap and hence disposable (Bales 12). Today, slaves are cheaper than any other period in slave history. A field worker bought for $14,000 in 1850 would today cost only $100. This dramatically changes the economic scale of slavery. Drop in prices for any commodity affects the demand and supply economies. Currently, there are more potential slaves in the market meaning they cost little but generate high returns. Slave owners today can make returns from slaves as high as 800 percent (Bales, 12). Slaves’ inexpensiveness is good for the slaveholder and good for bottom line business but disastrous for the slaves. Buying slaves at a low price means they do not represent large investment that would require special care. This means that a slave is easily replaced. No one pays attention to the maintenance and care of the slaves or make a point o f keeping records on their whereabouts. If slaves get injured, ill or outlive their usefulness, they become a burden to the slaveholder and are in turn dumped or worse, killed (Bales 15). International contemporary slavery is facilitated by three main factors; population growth, poverty and corruption (Bales 15). After the Second World War, the world experienced population explosion. After 1945, the world

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Occupational Safety and Health Act Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Occupational Safety and Health Act - Assignment Example These violations are punishable in a different manner and it is the duty of the regulator to ensure certain standards are achieved and recommend in instances where the laws are violated. As much as the laws were enacted to protect workers there is need to focus on the views of the employers. The private sectors argument on the bureaucracy surrounding the OSH act is unjustified. There is need to focus on the need for regulation. Regulations in any industry are meant to set standards to be attained by players within the industry. The regulations under the act are responsible for the current rights and freedom enjoyed by the workers within a given industry. The regulator, in any case, should a neutral in order to ensure a fair platform where those offended or affected can seek justice. In this case failures by the employers to regulate themselves have invited the government under the OSHA to set standards to be followed by the employers. The laws are aimed to ensure a safe working space. The employees should be secure in their respective workstation. The ancient practice by the employees has been the thing of the past. The number of deaths and work-related injuries has reduced drastically. The push for the occupational safety and Health act was triggered by the working conditions under which the employees were subjected to. The pre-OSHA era was characterized by employers who were interested in profit making rather than workers safety. The private sector failures to ensure safety amongst its workspaces prompted the initialization of the OSHA act. The argument should be on what alternatives the private employers have to ensure the workers are safe. The lack of alternative measures indicates how action by the private employers triggered the act being signed in 1970. The hefty fines under the act are measures to ensure the rules are followed adequately.

Friday, July 26, 2019

LMU college essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

LMU college - Essay Example As a young person, I have a social life to lead, while at the same time I have my career goals to achieve. It is obvious that at this point, many people tend to suffer the effects of peer pressure from their fellow age mates, thus losing the focus of their career goals. However, for psycho-social development, it is imperative that a person at my age is subjected to a proper relationship with his peers to achieve a proper psycho-social development. This is a challenging situation for most youths and it requires application of critical thinking. Taking both scenarios in to consideration, I applied critical thinking, while using my intelligence integrated with character. To begin with, when I was making my daily time-table schedule, I began by giving the most imperative issues in life the highest priority: The most important issue in my life is my education at this time; this is followed by my psycho-social development, which basically involves spending time with relatives and friends. Therefore, on my daily schedule time table, I ensured that all issues ascribed to my academic work are given the first priority and adequate time. This was then followed by the time I spend with relatives and friends consecutively. Other miscellaneous activities such as watching movies, physical fitness sessions were given the last priority on my time-table; however adequate time was allocated for these activities. In order to be successful in formulating personal operational plans, one has to apply intelligence, while also taking into consideration his character: In my case, I applied my intelligence in creating a time-table and allocating adequate time for each daily activity. However, a great sense of care was taken in order to ensure that none of the activities collided with each other. My intelligence also played a crucial is evaluating what seems to be important in my life at this particular time and what

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) for Essay

Advantages and Disadvantages of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) for Germany 11101 - Essay Example For example the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD (2014) noted that global FDI flows increased by 4.5% in 2013. According to Radice (2012), even though the value does not represent a very highly anticipated growth, it still gives an indication that FDIs have been growing. IMF (2013) observed that even though FDIs are largely initiated by businesses and investors, the countries involved in these FDIs, whether they are home countries or host countries have ways in which the international investments through FDIs affect them. To get a better understanding of how FDI affects a country however, Frankel (2012) advised on the need to separate outward direct investment from inward investment. A preliminary search through literature has revealed that most researchers have focused their attention about FDI on how individual companies and investors benefit or loss out from FDI (Alguacil, 2002 and Imani, 2003). This leaves very little room for discussion about how countries as entities and stakeholders in international investments are impacted by FDIs. For the few available researches that put countries on the focus, they tend to concentrate on what the countries earn by way of acting as host countries to foreign companies that invest in those countries (Meier and Stiglitz, 2012). This makes knowledge very limited on how countries are impacted by FDI when these international investments take place with the countries acting as home countries. That is, when companies or investors from one country go to other countries to invest, there are both advantages and disadvantages to their countries of origin that needs to be researched into. As Germany is considered an important globa l player in the FDI engagements, it is important that research is performed on not just how Germany is benefits from the international

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Concrete Construction Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Concrete Construction - Assignment Example The joint if any, shall be carefully handled as the poor joining in the concrete process would result in weak spots which would become the locations of future problems in the channel. In order to ensure the flow of water with very low energy loss it is necessary to maintain the channel geometry in the construction. The machinery choice is also a very important component in the construction process. With a proper attachment for levelling and material lining activities the channel construction could be undertaken on a continuous mode (US patent,, 1984). This would help to maintain the required slope and the roughness condition the important criteria that influences the velocity of flow. The concrete mix design shall be prepared as per the design specification and if the construction need to be carried out in adverse condition addition of admixtures is necessary to facilitate the retention of properties of prepared concrete . Finally, proper curing of the concrete works is also required to have the better durability of the construction process. The foot bridge construction requires more care as it is indented to carry moving loads with supports given only at the locations as specified in the design document. The major components of the foot bridge , constructed over the diversion channel , are support piers at the ends and the bridge slab.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Assignment 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 21

2 - Assignment Example The manner in which Kelleher believes employees should be addressed in an organization is in line with Lencioni’s quote. Lencioni connotes that when employees feel they are not being cared, they feel they have a miserable job. Employees need to be cared for and appreciated for them to perform in the workplace. As per Kelleher, employees should be valued as individuals and not as workers. An organization should set up employee services and professional care department so as to help them in the workplace. Research reveals that managers’ connection with employees gives them a better feeling of belonging and worth. Communication with employees is an aspect that Kelleher emphasizes in his management. This is an indication that he was a successful leader at Southwest. Lencioni also accentuates the same aspect, by suggesting that managers’ connection with employees help them grasp the precise significance of their jobs to others. The leadership style of Ms. Mayer is one can learn that she is an inspiring leader. Mayer invites the employees to facilitate the building of the organization’s brand. Mayer emphasizes on the employees interactions as a way of providing them with an opportunity to generate ideas. As a leader, Mayer believes in employees’ physical contacts and interaction in the workplace that is why when appointed as the new Yahoo CEO, reporting to the office was of paramount significance to her. The rationale for using the books â€Å"The Three Signs of a Miserable job† and â€Å"The Influencer†, it that it helps in the understanding of the job dissatisfaction and its root causes. The books are also relevant in the sense that it identifies how leaders can aid their employees become satisfied with the job through communication and understanding of the importance of their job. From the books, a leader can learn the significance of communication with its employees. The

Foundations of Mythology Short Answers Essay Example for Free

Foundations of Mythology Short Answers Essay How is the word myth used popularly? For example, what does the statement, â€Å"It’s a myth† mean? In contrast, how is the word myth used in the academic context? After considering the definition in your textbooks and course materials, write a definition in your own words. The statement â€Å"It’s a myth† to me means that it is not true or not fully true. There may be some truth but there is some false information added to the story. Myths- the rich rewards awaiting questioners willing to approach myths from numerous points of view are all open-ended fields of inquiry (Leonard and McClure, 2004). Myths are stories that are based on tradition. Some may have factual origins, while others are completely fictional. But myths are more than mere stories and they serve a more profound purpose in ancient and modern cultures (PBS, 2005). Myths have been around for a long time and they are stories and they have been told for a long time. Not all myths are true but there are cases that they do have some truth to them. There are myths that are throughout history and there is good and evil depending on the story that is being told. Why do myths from different cultures around the world address such similar or universal themes? Think about how myths explain the unknown and the tribulations of mankind. Many of the myths are passed down to all the different generations and they will keep going just like they always have. Some of the myths are the same as another but they are in with a different culture behind it because many people believe in different religions or just different beliefs. Myths explain the unknown and things that we do not even now happen at times. The subjects of myths reflect the universal concerns of mankind throughout history: birth, death, and the afterlife, the origin of man and the world, good and evil and the nature of man himself (PBS, 2005). The myths are made by people and they are then passed down for future generations to come so that they have an idea of what happened past years. With the different cultures there are many different religions and that is also a reason why there are so many different versions of the same myth, they are all just worded differently. What is the relationship between belief, knowledge, mythology, and religion? Where do mythology and religion intersect? Where do they diverge? Think about the function of myth and religion in helping human beings cope with change, suffering, loss, and death. A belief is something that we have been told and that we believe in, knowledge would be having the correct information for the truth. Mythology is the study of myths and can be a collection of myths, religion is what people believe in and it can be a collection of beliefs. Mythology and religion intersect because they both have beliefs and they have stories that are followed by Gods, heroes and so on. With the myths and religions it makes people cope with loss and death a little easier, not that either is ever a good thing but with the thought of seeing your loved one again someday when you go to heaven or to know that they are angels looking over us makes bad times such as these a little more bearable. Myths can be fun stories to believe in because of the meaning behind the stories, and learning about certain religions can be very interesting to where more and more people what to learn the differences that exist. How would you defend mythology’s relevance in contemporary culture? Think about familial and cultural traditions. Also, consider how mythology is used in the arts and in advertising to typify human experience. Mythology has had extensive influence on today and many years to come because there are many things that people research and want to know more about. Many people had to tell stories and talk about what they heard or what they were told because they did not have computers, printing and many other things that we have today. Many of the myths are told today that are interesting and still today makes people want to learn more which is exactly what myths are suppose to do, want to learn and believe in certain things. Today there are a lot of books paintings and many other inspirational things that makes everyone want to know what happened, along with all of us making our own myths today to pass down to future generations to come. The human experiences are great because just like a certain group of people that test the myths and find out if they are true or not but the whole time they are testing the myths they have fun doing so, along with teaching many of the myths that they are testing. References Leonard, S., McClure, M. (2004). Myth knowing: An introduction to world mythology. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. (2005). PBS. What is a Myth? Retrieved from

Monday, July 22, 2019

Cooking Methods Essay Example for Free

Cooking Methods Essay Baking is a way of cooking sweet or savory items in the dry heat of an oven. Although baking itself is a relatively easy process, it is good to have some knowledge of the role each ingredient plays in creating the final dish. Barbecuing: Nothing beats the deep, rich flavor of good barbecue. In the United States, barbecue refers to the slow, indirect cooking of meats over a wood, charcoal or gas flame. The meat is often seasoned with rubs, sauces or mops. This same method is known as barbie in Australia and braai in South Africa. Asian barbecue, on the other hand, uses thinly sliced meat and seafood, often highly seasoned, that is quick-cooked on a hot grill or a searing hotplate Deep Frying: Who doesnt love fried food? Deep frying may not be the most calorie-poor way to prepare food, but it certainly produces some of the worlds tastiest. The high heat of the oil seals in a foods moisture and crisps up the outside, giving that irresistable pairing of crunchy and juicy Grilling: Grilling is the quick cooking of meat, fish or vegetables over intense heat. The source of the heat can be burning wood, simmering coals, a gas flame, or an electric heating element. A related method is broiling, but with broiling the heat source comes from the top instead of the bottom Roasting: Roasting is the slow cooking of meat, poultry, fish or vegetables, uncovered, with dry, indirect heat. Spit roasting was the original form. In the modern kitchen, the dry heat of an oven is preferred. Roasting is a method best used with large cuts of meat, whole poultry, whole fish, or with sturdy vegetables such as carrots, potatoes and onions. Steaming: As the term implies, steaming involves suspending food over simmering or boiling water and cooking it with the resulting steam. Steaming as a method is valued for the fact that it preserves vitamins and minerals in the food that might otherwise be washed away with boiling. It is also a way to cut back on fat, since none is needed, unlike sauteing or grilling.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Subject Of Human Rights And Globalisation Politics Essay

The Subject Of Human Rights And Globalisation Politics Essay The subject on human right and globalization are not easy topics to discuss, mainly because of different connotation and understanding of the terms globalization and human rights. Some scholars defined Globalization, as conceived process that turns the world into a global market for goods and services dominated and steered by the powerful gigantic transnational corporations and governed by the rule of profit  [1]  . In which scholars argue that all the human rights of the people in the world, particularly in the south mostly developing countries are critically endangered in this context scholars view globalization as posing new treats not adequately governed by existing international human rights  [2]  . On other hand, globalization is seen as turning the whole world into one global village in which all peoples are increasingly unified and all the fences or barriers are detached, so that the world witnesses a new state of fast and free flow of people, capital, goods and ideas . In this context globalization is bringing prosperity to all the corners of the globe, and spreading human right and freedom as well as justice, human rights and globalization are then viewed as two topics mutually reinforcing and positive in improving human well-being.  [3]  The topic of Human right and Globalization are subject of discussion among scholars and policy makers in the world today, where there are clear pictures on how Globalization has positively contributed to the universality of human rights and created more potential for its promotion across the world, some scholars disagree with this assumption and argue that, to some instance globalization put human rights in danger. This paper examines the impacts of globalization and it achievement of human rights with focus it will explore the interaction linking the state and none states with the market to evaluate the effects of globalization on the accomplishment of human rights standards in the world. Working with the definition cited by Allan (2009), that sees Globalization as process that turns the whole world into one global village in which all peoples are increasingly interconnected and all the fences or barriers are removed, so that the world witnesses a new state of fast and free flow of people, capital, goods and ideas. One will say that globalization has positively contributed to human rights, as these processes allows non governmental actors to be involved with transnational social movement networks, increasing consciousness and information politics that have potential to address both traditional and emerging forms of human rights violation. Understanding this global village phenomenon allows scholars to look deeply on transnational integration and increased mobility has simultaneously strengthened the protection of individual rights and the dignity of individuals. At its core globalization is the interrelationships, interconnection, and interdependence of all the countr ies of the world. It is the spread of capitalism across the globe bringing with it both opportunities of business and a flow of capita. However, it is more than just free trade; the forces that allow businesses to operate beyond national borders allow activists, journalists, and scholars to work on a global scale. in this context, Globalization resulted in a significant loss of control and sovereignty for the state  [4]  , its argued by Apodaca (2001) that states no longer hold a control over the allocation of public goods and services  [5]  , information is gained by everybody either through internet or international media, people get access to foreign information and this is believed to have contributed positively to spread of human right around the globe  [6]  . While some nation states still restricts it citizens to access international news, like the case of china, scholars still argue that Globalizations has weakened government power to control people movements. In other word globalization has also lead to a noticeable empowerment of actors such as transnational corporations, civil society groups and intergovernmental economic organizations, and lead to a rapid development of human rights.  [7]  In short; due to improved technology, less government interferences, and free movement of people and goods, globalization increased media coverage draws the attention of the world to human right violations, which leads to improvement in human rights. As argued by Marquardt that globalization offers great opportunities to generate more universal observance of human rights, but it also poses serious dangers to the fundamental rights of the individual  [8]  . Moreover, globalization is essentially a synonym for global business and is personified by three organizations: the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Trade Organization (WTO). These organizations are at the center of a great debate over the virtues and evils of globalization. There are many convincing arguments both against and in favor of globalization. For positive side, scholars argue that globalization of capital contributes positively to the universality of human rights as it permits a flow of capital to the most productive and resourceful business projects. This trend is believed to boost profits, which make the economy grow, which mostly results in constructive social goals, such as higher employment levels that improves living standards, education become affordable, lower taxes, and larger capital expenses on people, in areas such as health care which play very significant role in improving human conditons. Globalization of capital in addition i s believed to have remarkably developed and increased attention to womens rights and incorporation of womens human rights into the human rights discourse (Moghadam 2005). It has also created economical opportunities for women. Though, many of these opportunities are formed in sweatshops and low payment jobs. Nevertheless, they increase women participation in the economy, even if it is largely in the informal sector the potential demand of empowering women is increasing (Mae, Bayes et al. 2000). Furthermore, supporters of globalization argue that, while the state is the agent charged with the protection and promotion of human rights, it is also traditionally the primary violator of those rights.  [9]  Kind models of globalization recommend that the liberalization of markets reinforces human rights by encouraging growth and plunging the authority of the state. Without a doubt, a number of studies on human rights, defined as physical integrity rights, do indicate a connection between economic development, conventionally calculated by GDP, and the higher attainment of human rights. The right to personal integrity is essential in that, the exclusive of these rights, no human can survive without being in panic for his or her life and well-being. Scholars have revealed that there is an elevated level of individual integrity infringements in underdeveloped countries. The free market or liberal economic policies, it is believed, that it will not only promote development in poor countries but in addition it will uphold civil liberties and democracy. It was argued by Moore as cited by Apodaca (2001) that,economic liberalization is also thinning the power of the governments by removing capital out of the hands of the state and making it accessible for of individuals to get financial resources, these are those individual are those who search not just for legal protection but moreover greater influence in policies affecting them  [10]  . this demonstrate that globalization in this regard is privileging individuals and weakening abusive governments. Scholars have been studying the issue of multinational corporations in connection to human rights, and the result seem to be more positive than one might aspects, according to Richards and Gellenys quantitative studies, there are key points that are indentified to be positively influential to human rights specifically in Less Developed Countries (LDCs). First property rights, is argued to be influential to investors who would prefer to invest in a nation where property rights are respected and where rule of law is followed, that gives them guaranty that their property and investments will be respected. Moreover, labour policies are additional concerns that most MNCS look at before investing as argued MNCs evaluate labor and wage policies, which including as well the right of workers to organize, safety standards, social welfare policies and wage rate  [11]  . Reputation is an additional point that is believed to bsse influential for investors, Richards and Gelleny argue that comp anies may seek to improve their reputation by associating their product with improving human rights. Otherwise they may run the risk of being exposed to an embarrassing media campaign highlighting their connections to regimes that abuses human rights  [12]  . Additionally to their findings, Richards and Gelleny discovered that countries where government respect open political participation and open media and freedom of worship and free movement of its people MNCs appear willing to invest. There are known to be additional benefit of Globalization in connection to human rights, these including education and access to new technology, as its argue by Stiglitz that, globalization has reduced the sense of isolation felt in much of the developing world and has given many people in the developing countries access to knowledge well beyond the reach of even the wealthiest in any country a century ago  [13]  . He further argue that foreign aid, is an additional aspect of the globalized world, which has brought benefits to millions, often in ways that have almost gone unnoticed, globalization in this way provide help for educational services for those who had no information for instance in HIV/Aids prevention, its helps in other projects that were ignored by nation governments. In contrast, the benefits of globalization on human rights are not universal. As most scholars argues, Globalization has increased the gap of poverty, that makes the rich are getting richer and the poor are becoming more poorer. Those who reject the notion that Globalization contributed positively to human rights argue that: Globalization has led to exploitation of labor. Prisoners and child workers are used to work in inhumane conditions. Safety standards are ignored to produce cheap goods. These arguments are issues that one should take into consideration when debating the impact of globalization on human rights, as it provide us with evidence how inequality and poverty are measured and what the results of such measurements are. Additionally, those on the opposition to the benefit of globalization on human rights argue that the influence of the World Bank- and IMF and their structural adjustment policies that include privatization of the economy, has made Multinational Companies an d corporations which were previously restricted to commercial activities to have increasingly influence on political decisions of developing countries, this lead to governments inability to maintain social welfare in developing countries. As is argued by Dr Samir Naim-Ahmed that; Since the Universal declaration of Human rights in 1948 many countries of the world ,whether in the north or the south succeed in enhancing the implementation of human rights , particularly in the economic, social and cultural domains simply through policies of subsidizing food, housing and services such as health care , transportation ,sanitation, culture and education . Many countries, particularly in the south made considerable achievements in the field of the right to work simply by taking decisions to protect local industries from competition and thus creating job opportunities for their population.  [14]   Moreover, a scholar against globalization in relation to human rights like Alison Brysk (2002) argues that social rights and economic rights have been mostly abandoned both in terms of international recognition and policy implementation. He further argues that The recent phase of globalization enriched some but did not improve the human rights conditions for a large segment of the world population.  [15]  It was further argued by Apocade that Labor rights and social services have been denied by the upward trend of neoliberal policies. Improvements in civil and political rights have been rough, mostly symbolic, and perhaps unsustainable. Especially since the attacks of September 11, 2001,  [16]  national security and order have reemerged as values that are considered to be more important, and that can be maintained only at the expense of human freedoms. Measures taken by the United States and its allies in connection to their war on terror show the fragility of human rights th at were assumed to be well-established and secure at least in mature Western democracies. Moreover, scholars argue that due to free markets and a rapid access to goods, Terrorists have access to classy armaments increasing their ability to inflict damage. As the case of Terrorists use the Internet for communicating which create more treat to the world? Its has been disputed that, the strictness agendas imposed by financial institutions have some very unenthusiastic outcomes on the people living in developing countries, those against globalization argue that demands from global financial organization has formed perhaps the strongest form of reliance since the beginning of dependence. In order for a state to be eligible for financial support from global organizations, the government must approach its economic policies to meet the terms with the regulations and standards recognized by the main actors. Thus, states in required of credits give up their administrative power to global agencies such as the World Bank, the IMF, or the World Trade Organization (WTO)  [17]  . With Many MNCs having superior resources than many Third World states. Third World countries rely on those corporations for financial support, monetary flows, industrial transfers, and employment opportunities for their citizens. Economic globalization thus exploits the developing world: cheap labor, minimal skill transmission, restrictions on technology transfers, and no long-term commitment to stay or reinvest in a countrys economy. Consequently, foreign capital reinforces and strengthens repression in developing countries. To attract or preserve foreign investment, governments must lower business costs, thus suppressing labor demands and reducing corporate taxation rates. Moreover, Corporations are growing constantly the power of which must not be underestimated. For example, it can damage liberty with inhumane working conditions, child labor or the ruthless destruction of the environment and hence the fundamentals of life. The question as to whether and how such power is controllable raises explosive legal and economic issues.  [18]   A more negative view of developing countries integration into the global economy, often attributed to dependency or neo-Marxist theorists, holds that multinational corporation activity contributes to human rights abuses. Its argued that due to these conditions and the level of poverty in developing countries many MNCs have larger revenues than many developing countries states. Third World countries are dependent on MNCs for trade, financial flows, technological transfers, and employment opportunities for their citizens. Economic globalization thus exploits the developing world: cheap labor, minimal skill transmission, restrictions on technology transfers, and no long-term commitment to stay or reinvest in a countrys economy. Consequently, foreign capital reinforces and strengthens repression in developing countries. To attract or preserve foreign investment, governments must lower business costs, thus suppressing labor demands and reducing corporate taxation rates. It was argued by A podaca (2001) that due to weaknesses of governments, if government officials attempt to enact unfriendly policies, the result could lead to capital flight, loss of tax revenues, and massive unemployment. States may feel that they have no option but to entertain MNCs if they want to increase their economies, employment, and tax revenues  [19]  . The discussion on globalization and human right has lead scholars to look at the issue of culture and human rights, its has well provided topic of discussion that most policy makers seem to disagree on, the issue of The Western human rights approach which primarily focuses on civil and political rights to the effective segregation of economic and social rights. These arguments are based on what Pieterse cites the conceived understanding of Globalization in sense that the world is becoming more uniform and standardized, through a technological, commercial, and cultural synchronization emanating from the west, and that globalization is tied up with modernity  [20]  . Moreover, the thrust of social and political rights believed to be a way to protect the individual from the unrestrained power of the state which seem to be different in Asia  [21]  , as it was cited by Apodaca that political and civil rights, for Asian-values advocates, may be deferred until other, more pressing, economic rights are met. It was further argued by Apodaca that to accelerate economic development and to maintain a stable political environment, a state may have to resort to authoritarian governing practices, often suppressing labor demands and political opposition  [22]  ; this was a scandalous exposure in a 1993 declaration, Singapores then Minister for Foreign Affairs Wong Kan Seng declared a cited by Apodaca (2002) that: Poverty makes a mockery of all civil liberties. Poverty is an obscene violation of the most fundamental of individual rights. Economic growth is the necessary foundation of any system that claims to advance human dignity, and that order and stability are essential for development.  [23]   it was argued by Wong as cited in Apodaca (2002), if political and civil human rights are an obstacle to economic progress, they would not be accepted, and an overemphasis on individual rights would retard the process of development. For many Asian leaders and policy makers, according to Apodaca economic rights are the most fundamental of rights, while political and civil rights are viewed as a luxury to be considered only once everyone is fed  [24]  . In short, those against globalization in connection to human right argue that, the results of globalization are the way many people have been poor and for many countries social and political instability and chaos. They further argue that IMF has made mistakes in all the areas it has been involved in: developments, crisis management, and in countries making the transition from communism where it was believed that human rights were not respected to capitalism. The most divisive topic in rejection of globalization and human rights is structural adjustment programs which resulted to failure of most states that were hoping to benefits from it, in contrast it created a gape between the poor and rich. As the case of education in developing countries, where more social services are restricted by the b y the IMF, health care as well are known to be been affected by the structural adjustment program. All these are known to have negative impact on human rights globally. While most scholars discuss the benefit of Globalization is sense of connection and creation of a global village, a place where people from all over the world meet and move freely, one will argue that this is just a theory but in actual sense these movements of people are restricted by developed nations, people are not as free as it sound to get American visa, or European visa. In conclusion, Markowitz argues that globalization and human rights are known as wide conditional fields that hold expressive and descriptive power and as political, juridical, economic and cultural development and institutions. Presenting promises of liberation from restraining national limits and substitute to caste, gender and a racial hierarchy, the discourse of globalization and human rights offers avenues for resisting local structures of power and asserting identity claims via supranational organizations and the state  [25]  . While there are still resistance on how much is globalization improving human right , based on the above arguments one will still close this debate by stating that the situation of human rights has improved in general compared to previous centuries, where slavery was dominant, colonization was the leading mode and government were not democratic. For instance, due to globalization one can argue that the rights of women and children are seen to be bett er and recognized as well as safeguarded than in earlier times this might be associated as well to the need for development and the interconnection that globalization is promoting. Moreover, freedom of expression has been facilitated via internet where activists have chance to rise their voice freely (though this might not be easy in countries like china but there are seen to be improvement due to the globalized technology), freedom of religious belief is a very problematic problem due to the war on terrorism. Freedoms of movements is known to have improved in the last decades due to increasing technology, this allows human rights activist to move and get information easily that ever before. In addition, the modern means of communication helps in realization of person and people rights.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Argumentative Essay About College :: Education College

Dear Ben,Hey Ben! I was talking with Sean yesterday when he told me the news, you're planning to delay college. This came as a shock to me when I heard it. By not attending college, you may get a year's rest and a chance to think your decisions through, but if you ever do decide to attend college, you will miss out on a lot of opportunities as well. I think you should consider going to college rather than driving the open road after High School.The information you've learned in High School will be more fresh in your mind now than 1 year from now. You have passed 12 years of schooling, yet now you believe it is time to rest and see other places and people for a year or more before attempting college. College adds 4 more years of intense work, yet knowledge learned within High School can make learning new material easier for you. Other people often find themselves getting sidetracked once they put off the option to attend college, that can only hinder your ability to eventually become a college graduate.College can be a fun experience if shared with friends and people of similar age. By waiting an extra year or two, you will find it more uncomfortable within your classes. The entire college experience involves parties, football games, and drinking beer with your buddies as well as an education. As you get into the entire experience and enjoy college, you will understand and appreciate what a college offers.The ideal time for college is now more than ever as you also have scholarships and your parents to help with the expensive money arrangement which is needed. Parents can be a great help in paying for your college, and may be willing to pay much more immediately after graduation from High School, than paying 2 years afterwards. Scholarships are always helpful to students, paying for a little bit of an expensive college. Argumentative Essay About College :: Education College Dear Ben,Hey Ben! I was talking with Sean yesterday when he told me the news, you're planning to delay college. This came as a shock to me when I heard it. By not attending college, you may get a year's rest and a chance to think your decisions through, but if you ever do decide to attend college, you will miss out on a lot of opportunities as well. I think you should consider going to college rather than driving the open road after High School.The information you've learned in High School will be more fresh in your mind now than 1 year from now. You have passed 12 years of schooling, yet now you believe it is time to rest and see other places and people for a year or more before attempting college. College adds 4 more years of intense work, yet knowledge learned within High School can make learning new material easier for you. Other people often find themselves getting sidetracked once they put off the option to attend college, that can only hinder your ability to eventually become a college graduate.College can be a fun experience if shared with friends and people of similar age. By waiting an extra year or two, you will find it more uncomfortable within your classes. The entire college experience involves parties, football games, and drinking beer with your buddies as well as an education. As you get into the entire experience and enjoy college, you will understand and appreciate what a college offers.The ideal time for college is now more than ever as you also have scholarships and your parents to help with the expensive money arrangement which is needed. Parents can be a great help in paying for your college, and may be willing to pay much more immediately after graduation from High School, than paying 2 years afterwards. Scholarships are always helpful to students, paying for a little bit of an expensive college.

President McKinley :: Biography

President McKinley   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  William McKinley was born on January 29, 1843 in Niles, Ohio. Niles was a small town with no railroad and few wagon roads. He was the seventh child. When he was 9 years old they moved to Poland, Ohio. He went to the schoolhouse and then entered the local academy until he was 17.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When he was 18, he taught school and earned $25 a month. When vacation came he worked at the Poland post office. When the Civil War came, he enlisted. Shortly after he enlisted he was promoted to sergeant. When the war came to an end, he was a major at the age of 22.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He attended the Albany Law School and he joined a law firm in 1867. He was elected county prosecuting attorney. On January 25,1871 he married Ida Saxton. He campaigned for General Rutherford B. Hayes who was his commanding officer during the Civil War.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1876 he was elected to Congress and served 7 terms. He sponsored the tin industry and in 1896 he ran for president and won. He found that the gold in the Treasury was low and he worked on obtaining more gold for the Treasury.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He passed the Tariff Bill and imports and exports increased. Hawaii asked for annexation to the United States. He sent the Treaty of Annexation to the senate but they rejected it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Reporting the stalemate between Spanish forces and revolutionaries in Cuba, newspapers screamed that a quarter of the population was dead and the rest suffering acutely. Public indignation brought pressure upon the President for war. Unable to restrain Congress or the American people, McKinley delivered his message of neutral intervention in April 1898. Congress thereupon voted three resolutions tantamount to a declaration of war for the liberation and independence of Cuba.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When the Battleship Maine was sunk, the United States declared war. During the 100 days of this war, the United States destroyed the Spanish fleet outside Santiago harbor in Cuba. Also, they seized Manila in the Philippines and occupied Puerto Rico.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After the victory in Manila Bay, Congress began to see the projected annexation of Hawaii differently. The Senate and the House of Representatives took a vote on making Hawaii a territory of the United States. It was passed in June by the House of Representatives and then in July by the Senate. In 1898, Hawaii became a territory of the United States.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  They abandoned the Nicaragua project in 1898 and started work on the

Friday, July 19, 2019

Federalist Policies :: American America History

Federalist Policies After the establishment of the constitution, the Federalist administrations faces many significant challenges when dealing with the economics of the United States; much of the country was divided over issues such as how to raise money, establishing a public credit system, how to pay the national debt, and whether or not a national bank should be established. Leaders like Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison came to represent the ideas of the people and as these ideas became more solid, debate and opposition rose. The Federalists saw multiple ways to resolve these issues, and the resolutions established that leadership in the United States would be successful. Raising revenue for the United States was the first economic issue the Federalists faced. This was the first and most important need they saw for the country. At first, James Madison proposed a small tax on imports, however, the high demand for money quickly increased the taxation. Also, the Tonnage Act of 1789 was passed, taxing American and foreign ships. American ships were not taxed as much as foreign ships, however. The issues of taxation and raising money also brought into play bigger issues, such as whether the United States should favor Britain or France in their economic policies, whether they should maintain taxation even at the expense of farmers, and whether the interests of northern manufacturers should be their biggest concern. The Tonnage Act was the beginning of increased revenue in the America, but a sound fiscal discipline was far from having been created. Another issue that was controversial was the establishment of a public credit system and paying the national debt. Alexander Hamilton was the main activist in this issue. He wrote several reports to the House of Representatives offering solutions to the problem. In his first report, he suggested that citizens who had government bonds should be able to turn them in for new, interest-bearing bond. He also thought that the government should make the states pay their debt to the government, which would be about $21 million. The problem with his ideas was that, in financial crisis, many farmers had sold their bonds at very low prices to speculators, and that with this plan, only the speculators would benefit, because they could trade in all of the bonds they bought very cheaply. The citizens argued that the they should be they should be paid back for their losses. Federalist Policies :: American America History Federalist Policies After the establishment of the constitution, the Federalist administrations faces many significant challenges when dealing with the economics of the United States; much of the country was divided over issues such as how to raise money, establishing a public credit system, how to pay the national debt, and whether or not a national bank should be established. Leaders like Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison came to represent the ideas of the people and as these ideas became more solid, debate and opposition rose. The Federalists saw multiple ways to resolve these issues, and the resolutions established that leadership in the United States would be successful. Raising revenue for the United States was the first economic issue the Federalists faced. This was the first and most important need they saw for the country. At first, James Madison proposed a small tax on imports, however, the high demand for money quickly increased the taxation. Also, the Tonnage Act of 1789 was passed, taxing American and foreign ships. American ships were not taxed as much as foreign ships, however. The issues of taxation and raising money also brought into play bigger issues, such as whether the United States should favor Britain or France in their economic policies, whether they should maintain taxation even at the expense of farmers, and whether the interests of northern manufacturers should be their biggest concern. The Tonnage Act was the beginning of increased revenue in the America, but a sound fiscal discipline was far from having been created. Another issue that was controversial was the establishment of a public credit system and paying the national debt. Alexander Hamilton was the main activist in this issue. He wrote several reports to the House of Representatives offering solutions to the problem. In his first report, he suggested that citizens who had government bonds should be able to turn them in for new, interest-bearing bond. He also thought that the government should make the states pay their debt to the government, which would be about $21 million. The problem with his ideas was that, in financial crisis, many farmers had sold their bonds at very low prices to speculators, and that with this plan, only the speculators would benefit, because they could trade in all of the bonds they bought very cheaply. The citizens argued that the they should be they should be paid back for their losses.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Peacekeeper, Shepherd, Saviour Essay

Paul Rusesabagina is credited with housing and protecting twelve-hundred, sixty-eight refugees (both Hutu and Tutsi) during the Rwandan genocide, but he did not begin as an ordinary man. He was merely a hotel manager who saw something going terribly wrong and decided to do everything in his power to protect anyone he could. We know that all those refugees were saved solely by Paul Rusesabagina during the peak of the massacre in Rwanda, but how many lives did he save indirectly by his actions? Was the conflict in Rwanda (and the peace that followed) directly affected by the actions that Paul Rusesabagina took to ensure the safety of his family, friends, and the people in general? What role did Paul Rusesabagina play in the conflict and subsequent settlement of the Hutu/Tutsi conflict in Rwanda? I believe that he played three very separate and yet equally important roles: that if the peacekeeper, the shepherd, and the saviour. Paul Rusesabagina has titled his autobiography â€Å"An Ordinary Man,† but he was truly anything but. He was born to a Hutu father and a Tutsi mother on July 15, 1954, and was a middle child in the midst of eight other children. Not only was he a well-educated boy, but he also was fluently bilingual in English and French by the age of 13. He adopted the role of a protector early in life when his family sheltered refugees during the initial stages of the conflict in the late 1950s and 1960s. He originally married a woman named Esther whom he fathered three children, and he aspired to become a minister of the Seventh Day Adventist church, but his seminary plans fell through in favour of entering the hospitality business and his marriage shortly followed. Six years after Paul’s divorce from Esther, he met Tatiana and although she was Tutsi he was no stranger to mixed-race marriage having been raised in one himself. In 1992 Paul Rusesabagina was given the title of assistant general manager at the Diplomats Hotel owned by the Belgian Sabena conglomerate (Rusesabagina). In order to understand what role Paul Rusesabagina truly plays in the Rwandan conflict, we first need to get a better understanding of the conflict itself. Rwanda was acquired by the Belgium after World War I and due mainly to the already skewed balance of power and other aesthetic considerations (Tutsi people had lighter skin, slimmer noses, and generally more Caucasian features which were desirable by the Belgians) the Tutsis were able to maintain the upper hand in the balance of power. The Tutsi ruled while the Hutu were considered the peasant or working-class. In 1959 the Hutu revolution overthrew the Tutsi rule and in the early 1960s the Tutsi fled Rwanda for outlying areas. Many Tutsi fled to Uganda where in 1985 the Rwandan Patriotic Front (a Tutsi rights movement) was formed. All throughout the 80s and 90s, massacres continued with little press in the western world due mostly to the false opinion that the Tutsi/Hutu conflict was essentially a â€Å"cold† war with few or no casualties. In 1993 the Arusha Accords were signed between the RPF and the Rwandan authorities, bringing a promise of peace between the few tribes as UNAMIR (United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda) was formed. However, shortly after came the assassination of Melchior Ndadaye, the first Hutu president elected in Burundi, which led the Hutus to believe that the Tutsis were trying to regain control of the region. The Hutus lashed out with more violence against the Tutsis. Rwandan Hutu President Juvenal Habyarimana’s plane was shot down in retaliation on April 6, 1994 with several other Hutu government officials on board. Several other government figures were systematically assassinated that day marking the official beginning of this era’s Rwandan genocide. (Fujii) So where did Paul Rusesabagina, his family, and his hotel fit in to all this senseless violence? When the body count began to rise, Paul hid his family and neighbors inside the Hotel des Mille Collines and disguised them as quests and staff. He began his journey from ordinary to extraordinary as a shepherd; leading his flock to safety (the Tutsi/Hutu refugees staying in the hotel) and protecting them from the wolves that were waiting outside with rifles and machetes. Every civil rights movement is started by a â€Å"shepherd. † Moses parted the sea for the Jews when his people were being oppressed, Martin Luther King Jr. led the African-Americans to freedom from racial discrimination. Millicent Fawcett marched women everywhere towards the right vote. Paul Rusesabagina makes a phone call to Sabena and secures a letter appointing him acting general manager of Hotel des Mille Collines making it possible for him to use his position to shelter more refugees, and also to use the hotel’s local resources to bribe Rwandan soldiers with money and alcohol in exchange for the lives of the refugees. Paul Rusesabagina guided all the refugees he could into the hotel so they could feel hope and find strength in each other. But guiding the flock to safety was a challenge. At several junctures during the movie where he (being Hutu himself) must face the choice whether or not speak out against an injustice, or to carefully go along with the wishes of his oppressors for the greater, later good of his cause. At this point he is starting to take on the role of a peacekeeper. The blue berets sent by the UN to war-torn parts of the world are unfortunately ineffective at subduing many civil conflicts because of the nature of politics. When the United Nations’ peacekeepers failed, Rusesabagina took matters into his own hands and not only bargained for the lives of his people, but inspired in his people a will to live. He encourages his guests to phone anyone they know â€Å"of influence† that they can tell of the horrors they are enduring†¦that those horrors are real, and that no one is intervening. He asks his people to send out the word that becomes their SOS signal and starts to allow for the return of the peacekeeping forces and the (unfortunately slow) evacuation of refugees from the affected area. Ronald Reagan is quoted as saying, â€Å"peace is not the absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means† and this ability to handle conflict without majour aggravation or injury is exactly the skill that Rusesabagina possesses and utilizes well throughout the entire movie. Without his ability to diffuse stressful situations, the death toll of the Rwanda genocides would more than certainly be higher. In several points during Hotel Rwanda, Paul Rusesabagina takes on the role of the Saviour, by not only housing the Hutu/Tutsi refugees, but also by inspiring them to fight for their lives by any peaceful means necessary. He puts himself aside, overwhelmed by emotion and empathy, to save several other people from death. Paul Rusesabagina spared the lives of nearly thirteen-hundred people from the reality of an unspeakable massacre that no one would pay attention to. He consistently puts his peers before himself and sees them as just that: people. Scared people who need someone to help them, to show them courage, and motivate them towards hope for a better tomorrow. Paul Rusesabagina did not draw a line between his Tutsi refugees and his Hutu refugees, he only asked that they do their part, respect him and each other, and not compromise the security of others in the hotel (George). Because Paul Rusesabagina helped his people by doing everything he could, including risking his own life, he can be seen as a saviour. As a final thought, I would like you, the reader, to sit in silence for a moment and think of the millions of bodies that were scattered across the roads and riverbanks in Africa on that day not even two decades ago. Think about all those corpses and realize that those charred and bloodied bodies might have family somewhere still wondering if their loved one might have escaped the carnage. There are still families out there missing their sons and daughters, their aunts and uncles, their mothers and fathers. The family members of those bland statistics you cannot bear to read for the dryness could be a thousand miles away, or they could be the new Canadian standing beside you in the grocery store. Sit and think about how much love you were given, be thankful for the things and the people that you have around you. Be thankful that you live in a peaceful country where your life is not endangered by simply stepping out the door to make a grocery run. Show to the world that you are grateful for what you have, but stand up and be willing to lose it all in the interest of doing the right thing. Be ready at any moment to protect your rights and those around you who cannot protect themselves. Sometimes all it takes is one person. For the Hutu/Tutsi refugees in Rwanda on those days, they had Paul Rusesabagina there being the peacemaker, the shepherd, and the saviour.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Relation Between Crime, Poverty and Education in Usa

- Statistical analysis of the relation amongst hatred Rate, genteelness and indigence regular army, 2009 Sonarika Mahajan 100076 Research Question In this inquiry paper, analysis is done to break up whether the take of developing and mendi tummycy influence the descend detestation pasture in the limit together States of the States. Using descriptive statistics such a slopped, model deviation, variance, histograms, scatter diagrams and simple unidimensional arrested development analysis performed upon both autonomous versatiles sepa footsteply, it can be analysed till what limit do these two supreme uncertains, i. . teaching and impoverishment cause fluctuations upon the certified inconsistent, in what proportion (direct or inverse) and of the two independent versatiles, which is a better forecaster for ascertain discourtesy charge per unit in USA. selective information description The grounds selected for this demand be highlighted with discolou r in the above map The Data that is use to define our dependent variable admit both, violent offence (murder and non- negligent manslaughter, flavorous rape, robbery, and aggravated assault) as well as property crime (burglary, larceny-theft, motor fomite theft, and arson). crime statistics used in this study ar published by FBI (Federal Bureau of Intelligence) fate as a governmental manner to the United States Department of Justice. The independent variable that comments upon the information take aims in the United States of America is carried out by analysing the total turn of common high school graduates per state. This info includes students of all the ethnicities for the school year 2008-2009. The statement universe in this study is uniform to the total population of the state.This selective information has been hive away by National Centre for development Statistics (NCES), which is the primary federal official entity that collects education relate entropy in the U. S. and opposite countries and analyses it. The poorness status for an individual is measured by comparing his/her income to a preset measuring rod of dollars known as the threshold apprise. The mendicancy universe excludes children on a put down floor the age of 15, mass living in military barracks, institutional group quarters and college dormitories. This entropy is calm by the U. S. Census Bureau, serving as the most reliable source active Americas pack and economy. wholly the data collected is cross-sectional, since it was taken during the same period period (year 2009) across different parameters. Also, the home base of measurement for these variables is the ratio scale, since the ratio between two values is meaningful and the observations are comparable to a zero value. compendium Mean It is the representative of a underlying value for a given data set, i. e. average. The mean value for crime variable suggests that in the year 2009, the parcel of crim es universe account in some(prenominal) state of USA was 3. 26%.The mean value for education variable suggests that the percentage of public high school graduates being report in any state of USA was 1% for the same time period. Similarly, the mean value for the scantiness variable suggests that the percentage of individuals living below the poverty television channel being reported in any state of USA was 13. 54%. streamer deviation & Variance The higher the value of the cadence deviation, greater is the spreading of the data set. Out of the three variables, poverty has the highest standard deviation value of 2. 98.Therefore, the percentage of individuals below poverty take is more astray dispersed over the states as compared to the other two variables. Variance is the average of the come of squared deviation scores. It is used to cipher the standard diversity since its a better means for ascertain the dispersion of data. It is measured as the square of standard devia tion for any data set. skewness The symmetry of the variable distribution is measured by the help of this statistic. villainy rate has a skewness of 0. 083, making it a symmetrical distributed variable since the value is enveloping(prenominal) to zero. The education variable is skewed negatively at -. 67 since the variable has lower values, indicating a left skewed histogram. Whereas, poverty shows a positive skewness value of . 670 since its variables have numerous high values, which justifies the by rights skewness of the histogram. Simple additive regress model a. Crime and Education Y = hooklike variable, Crime X = supreme variable, Education. The retroflexion model is the compare that describes how y is related to x. This regression equation is From fudge 2. 4 in appendix, the regression equation is, Crime = 6. 17 2. 9 (Education) This regression equation can be graphed as follows assuming ? 0 as the stop and ? as the dip Here the sky ? 1 is negative. Interpreta tion of the slope For all 1% increase in the rate of students being graduated from high school, in that location is a decrease of 2. 9% in crime activities in the USA. Interpretation of the break charge if thither is no edition in the education take, the estimated crime rate would be 6. 17%. The coefficient of use or r2 It determines the proportion of variation in the dependent variable by the independent variable. From skirt 2. 2, r2 = . 181 This states that 18. 1% of the variation in crime rate is explained by regression of education on crime.Since this value is not occlude to 1, it doesnt seem to be a appropriate forecaster to determine the crime rate in USA. dead reckoning scrutiny Ho ? 1 = 0 (education is not a recyclable predictor of crime) Ha ? 1 ? 0 (education is a useful predictor of crime) Significance level ? = 0. 05 tally to the standion rule, the fruitless hypothesis will be rejected if p-value ? ?. From table 2. 4, p-value = 0. 019 Since 0. 019 ? 0. 05, we reject the null hypothesis. At 95% federal agency level, there is enough evidence to conclude that education is a useful predictor for crime in USA since the slope of the regression depict is not zero. b. Crime and pauperismY = Dependent variable, Crime X = Independent variable, Poverty. The regression equation is as follows Plugging in the values to from display board 3. 4, get Crime = 1. 819 + 0. 107 (Poverty) This regression equation can be graphed as follows assuming ? 0 as the tapdance and ? 1 as the slope Here the slope ? 1 is positive. Interpretation of the slope For every 1% increase in the individuals below poverty line, there is an increase of . 11% in crime activities in the USA. Interpretation of the intercept With the poverty level remaining constant, the estimated crime rate would be 1. 82%. The coefficient of finding or r2From give in 3. 2, r2 = . 191 This states that 19. 1% of the variation in crime rate is explained by regression of poverty on crime. Hypo thesis testing Ho ? 1 = 0 (poverty is not a useful predictor of crime) Ha ? 1 ? 0 (poverty is a useful predictor of crime) Significance level ? = 0. 05 According to the rejection rule, the null hypothesis will be rejected if p-value ? ?. From table 3. 4, p-value = 0. 016 Since 0. 016 ? 0. 05, we reject the null hypothesis. At 95% confidence level, there is enough evidence to conclude that poverty is a useful predictor for crime in USA since the slope of the regression line is not zero.Conclusion and recommendations From this study conducted, it is assured that the crime rate in USA is directly proportionate to the people below the poverty line and in return proportionate to the number of high school students graduating in the year 2009. When simple linear regression was performed to both the independent variables separately, the coefficient of determination (r2) and the p-value aided our study to select the variable that was a better predictor for determining the crime rate in Amer ica. Poverty, with the logical implication level of 19. 1% is known to be a better predictor in this case as compared to the 18. % significance level shown by the independent variable, education. This fact was progress proved when the p-value for poverty stood at a lower amount as compared to its counterpart. Even though it can be conclude that poverty is a better predictor for crime rate in USA, the level of significance still stands at a diminutive 19. 1%. Much stronger predictors could be used for the above study. GDP, income level, provision of federal aid or employment rate could be a few options to get amongst. Appendix Table 1. 1 Statistics for crimes reported in 30 states of USA.State population unpeaceful Crime Property Crime core Crime luck of tally Crime Alabama 47,08,708 21,179 1,77,629 1,98,808 4. 22 Alaska 6,98,473 4,421 20,577 24,998 3. 58 genus Arizona 65,95,778 26,929 2,34,582 2,61,511 3. 96 atomic number 20 3,69,61,664 1,74,459 10,09,614 11,84,073 3. 20 atomic number 27 50,24,748 16,976 1,33,968 1,50,944 3. 00 Connecticut 35,18,288 10,508 82,181 92,689 2. 63 Florida 1,85,37,969 1,13,541 7,12,010 8,25,551 4. 45 how-do-you-do 12,95,178 3,559 47,419 50,978 3. 94 Iowa 30,07,856 8,397 69,441 77,838 2. 59Kansas 28,18,747 11,278 90,420 1,01,698 3. 61 geographical mile 99,69,727 49,547 2,82,918 3,32,465 3. 33 atomic number 25 52,66,214 12,842 1,39,083 1,51,925 2. 88 disseminated multiple sclerosis 29,51,996 8,304 87,181 95,485 3. 23 atomic number 42 59,87,580 29,444 2,02,698 2,32,142 3. 88 tonne 9,74,989 2,473 24,024 26,497 2. 72 Nebraska 17,96,619 5,059 49,614 54,673 3. 04 Nevada 26,43,085 18,559 80,763 99,322 3. 76 raw(a) Jersey 87,07,739 27,121 1,81,097 2,08,218 2. 39 hot Mexico 20,09,671 12,440 75,078 87,518 4. 35 virgin York 1,95,41,453 75,176 3,78,315 4,53,491 2. 2 due north Carolina 93,80,884 37,929 3,44,098 3,82,027 4. 07 northwestern Dakota 6,46,844 1,298 12,502 13,800 2. 13 operating theater 38,25,657 9,744 1,13,511 1,23,255 3. 22 pappa 1,26,04,767 47,965 2,77,512 3,25,477 2. 58 in the south Dakota 8,12,383 1,508 13,968 15,476 1. 91 Texas 2,47,82,302 1,21,668 9,95,145 11,16,813 4. 51 Virginia 78,82,590 17,879 1,91,453 2,09,332 2. 66 upper-case letter 66,64,195 22,056 2,44,368 2,66,424 4. 00 Wisconsin 56,54,774 14,533 1,47,486 1,62,019 2. 87 Wyoming 5,44,270 1,242 14,354 15,596 2. 87 offset http//www. fbi. ov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u. s/2011/crime-in-the-u. s. -2011/tables/table-5 Table 1. 2 Statistics for public high school graduates in 30 states of USA. State Population Total Public High School Graduates Percentage of High School Graduates Alabama 47,08,708 42,082 0. 89 Alaska 6,98,473 8,008 1. 15 Arizona 65,95,778 62,374 0. 95 California 3,69,61,664 3,72,310 1. 01 Colorado 50,24,748 47,459 0. 94 Connecticut 35,18,288 34,968 0. 99 Florida 1,85,37,969 1,53,461 0. 83 how-do-you-do 12,95,178 11,508 0. 89 Iowa 30,07,856 33,926 1. 13 Kansas 28,18,747 30,368 1. 8 kale 99,69,727 1,12, 742 1. 13 Minnesota 52,66,214 59,729 1. 13 manuscript 29,51,996 24,505 0. 83 Missouri 59,87,580 62,969 1. 05 t 9,74,989 10,077 1. 03 Nebraska 17,96,619 19,501 1. 09 Nevada 26,43,085 19,904 0. 75 peeled Jersey 87,07,739 95,085 1. 09 New Mexico 20,09,671 17,931 0. 89 New York 1,95,41,453 1,80,917 0. 93 northwestern Carolina 93,80,884 86,712 0. 92 North Dakota 6,46,844 7,232 1. 12 Oregon 38,25,657 35,138 0. 92 papa 1,26,04,767 1,30,658 1. 04 South Dakota 8,12,383 8,123 1. 00 Texas 2,47,82,302 2,64,275 1. 7 Virginia 78,82,590 79,651 1. 01 Washington 66,64,195 62,764 0. 94 Wisconsin 56,54,774 65,410 1. 16 Wyoming 5,44,270 5,493 1. 01 Source http//nces. ed. gov/CCD/tables/ESSIN_Task5_f2. asp Table 1. 3 Statistics for individuals below Poverty line in 30 states of USA. State Population for whom poverty status is determined Individuals in poverty Percent below poverty Alabama 45,88,899 8,04,683 17. 54 Alaska 6,82,412 61,653 9. 03 Arizona 64,75,485 10,69,897 16. 52 California 3,62,02, 780 51,28,708 14. 17 Colorado 49,17,061 6,34,387 12. 90Connecticut 34,09,901 3,20,554 9. 40 Florida 1,81,24,789 27,07,925 14. 94 Hawaii 12,64,202 1,31,007 10. 36 Iowa 29,05,436 3,42,934 11. 80 Kansas 27,32,685 3,65,033 13. 36 Michigan 97,35,741 15,76,704 16. 20 Minnesota 51,33,038 5,63,006 10. 97 Mississippi 28,48,335 6,24,360 21. 92 Missouri 58,18,541 8,49,009 14. 59 Montana 9,46,333 1,43,028 15. 11 Nebraska 17,39,311 2,14,765 12. 35 Nevada 26,06,479 3,21,940 12. 35 New Jersey 85,31,160 7,99,099 9. 37 New Mexico 19,68,078 3,53,594 17. 97 New York 1,90,14,215 26,91,757 14. 16North Carolina 90,95,948 14,78,214 16. 25 North Dakota 6,20,821 72,342 11. 65 Oregon 37,48,545 5,34,594 14. 26 Pennsylvania 1,21,65,877 15,16,705 12. 47 South Dakota 7,82,725 1,11,305 14. 22 Texas 2,41,76,222 41,50,242 17. 17 Virginia 76,23,736 8,02,578 10. 53 Washington 65,30,664 8,04,237 12. 31 Wisconsin 54,95,845 6,83,408 12. 43 Wyoming 5,29,982 52,144 9. 84 Source http//www. census. gov/compendia/statab/ca ts/income_expenditures_poverty_wealth/income_and_povertystate_and_local_data. html Regression (Independent variable Education)Table 2. 1 Variables Entered/ take awayb example Variables Entered Variables Removed Method 1 Educationa . Enter a. All requested variables entered. b. Dependent Variable Crime Table 2. 2 Model compendium Model R R form Adjusted R second power Std. Error of the aim 1 . 425a . 181 . 152 . 67068 a. Predictors (Constant), Education Table 2. 3 ANOVAb Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 2. 784 1 2. 784 6. 189 . 019a symmetricalness 12. 595 28 . 450 Total 15. 379 29 a. Predictors (Constant), Education . Dependent Variable Crime Table 2. 4 Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients regulate Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error important 1 (Constant) 6. 165 1. 173 5. 257 . 000 Education -2. 904 1. 167 -. 425 -2. 488 . 019 Regression (Independent variable Poverty) Table 3. 1 Variables Entered/Removedb Model V ariables Entered Variables Removed Method 1 Povertya . Enter a. All requested variables entered. b. Dependent Variable Crime Table 3. 2 Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std.Error of the Estimate 1 . 437a . 191 . 162 . 66665 a. Predictors (Constant), Poverty Table 3. 3 ANOVAb Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 2. 935 1 2. 935 6. 604 . 016a Residual 12. 444 28 . 444 Total 15. 379 29 a. Predictors (Constant), Poverty b. Dependent Variable Crime Table 3. 4 Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 1. 819 . 575 3. 162 . 004 Poverty . 107 . 042 . 437 2. 570 . 016

Promotion Case Study Essay

bloody shame Roberts had been with the keep company three years when she was promoted to conductor of the tax revenue department which was part of the controllers division.Within quaternity months she became a supervisor of ten staff accountants to fulfill a va elicitcy.Her victor believed her to be most restricted individual to fill the position. Many precedential employees resent her that she so young to fill the position and what do them more upsets was the incident tax managers did not dis run away the publicity.QUESTION1.What can bloody shame Roberts do virtually the resentful senior employees? Mary should tackle this genius on she should be direct and assertive round her expectation and when race argon crossing the root that means she lead to be clear with people when their behavior doesnt ensure her standards and she need to be go discovering To set and enforce consequence if it doesnt change2. shadower higher management do anything to help Roberts make th e transitions to greater responsibility? Yes, because they argon the wiz who put her in that position of course they leave alone help Mary interms of guiding it .3. will her lack of technical experience hinder Marys managerial effectiveness? No , because lacking on whatever aspects on technical knowledge cant bankrupt or destroy a company as enormous she prolong a guts to face and accepts failures4. Should Marys superior engender discussed the promotion with the senior employees before announcing it? No ,because its not their obligation to discuss it with the employee interms on promoting person because higher management chooses who deserve and employees should accept it. 5. Could many of the resentment be ground on the fact that Mary Roberts was a young woman? No ,because as long she love the stage business in that location is no resentment. 6. Should she need turned d bear the promotion to gain more technical experience? No ,because she is qualifiedfor the position , not because many higher managers believed in her its because she had s leadinghip ability and commitment to her black market7. Can a person turn down much(prenominal) promotion with kayoed hindering her c atomic number 18er in the company?Yes ,as long she is sincere to her decision not,because of the resentment of the senior personnelCASE STUDY NO.2Leo Harris one of your fire insurance company he is punctilious and anythingcoming out of his group is perfect.He always overworking,does not show authority and responsibility but rechecks in detail all the work turned out by his group. He keeps turning back to them cursory and inaccurate work until it is perfect.QUESTION1. What are some of the reasons why people do not delegate authority and responsibility?They are afraid that the work that they are working is a failure that they have to recheck and redo it again2. What are Harris responsibilities as a supervisor?As a suoervisor Harris have the day to day responsibilities. He shou ld watch or observe the employee performance to ensure that all employment are completed in accordance with spefication and deadline3. Which can he delegate?Maintain supervisory control. delegating is not the abandonment of jobs. As a attracter, you are still ultimately responsible therefore quantify should be set aside to observe and meet with the mortify for follow-through and review of the delegated areas. This follow-through will eat you the opportunity to coach the subordinate in his new assigned tasks. Time spent with your subordinate will also provide you with the information to solve whether to intervene or to allow him to fail and consume from his mistakes. Be careful not to take a problem out of a subordinates hands and make a decision when he merely wants to discuss it with you. Let him take the wheeldo not make decisions that your subordinate could otherwise make for himself.4. How should he go about delegating them?Select the task to be delegated and match it t o the proper personDelegation is not the engagement of routine tasks to anyone who happens to be useable. There is a need to assess strengths, weaknesses and previous experience of all available personnel and then match them with tasks that will practice their strengths and experience.5. What are some of the leaders characteristics that Harris lacks?When theres a failure to communicate When leaders are constantly flummoxed by those who dont attend to get it, there exists both a leadership and communications problem. Showme a leader with curt communication skills and Ill show you someone who will be short-lived in their position. Great leaders can communicate effectively across mediums, constituencies, and environments. They are active listeners, fluid thinkers, and know when to dial it up, down, or off. Its all about them If a leader doesnt understand the concept of service above self they will not engender the trust, confidence, and fealty of those they lead. Any leader is on ly as pricy as his or her teams disposition to be led by them. An over copiousness of ego, pride, and arrogance are not positive leadership traits. Real leaders take the blame and give the credit not the other way around. long story short if a leader receives a vote of non-confidence from their subordinates6. How can you go about growth them in him?Is to go out with your comfort regularise try to communicate.CASE STUDY NO.3The cosmopolitan manager has hired the services of a personnel executive director but has purposely not defined the catechumens role in the organization .As a line supervisor, have become involved in several arguments with this personnel administrator. You have mentioned this usurping of authority to your boss, the general manager, and have asked him to define the personnel job. The boss has answered that he is allowingQUESTION1. debate the above situation from a line point of viewSpecific job description should e disclosed to the line supervisor, class ical since an administrator is hired there should already be a work that needfully to be make full by the one hired. Even if the person is asked to ascertain its own niche we still need to get the role he applied and clean interchange it ,If additional work needs to be move.2. Discuss the situation from a personnel administrators point of view. Still trying to identify what were the jobs that needs to be fulfilled by the administrator and his discovering what his boundaries are.3. heighten a practical working relationship establish on the principles of good organization. Know your position and commute what is still needs to be done based on the description trying to step out of the usual job description may have an impact on the role that needs to be performed by the rest of the team which is disorganization 4. It is sexually attractive to allowthe personnel administrator to find his own niche in the organization? Yes , as long as he knows what his original role and just mo dify if the business needs