Thursday, October 17, 2019

E-crime against Stilianos Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

E-crime against Stilianos - Assignment Example This study looks into electronic crime, a new phase of technological mishap that to a large extent thwarts the effort of achieving secured information system and network system running. Electronic crime or e-crime basically refers to a situation whereby crime is committed by the use of technology. In most cases, these crimes are committed by against information systems and other technologically enhanced systems. Typical examples can be given as the invasion of a person’s bank details by the use of technology or breaking into the database system of a university by the use of technology. It is in this direction that Crime Wales notes that â€Å"e-Crime generally refers to a criminal activity where a computer or computer network is the source, tool, target, or place of a crime.† Crime Wales therefore concerns a deliberate attempt to invade or harm a computer system. This is very common today because of the general growth and use of technology and technology tools. It can b e observed that modern growth in technology use has resulted in a situation whereby all major global institutions are hooked unto a network in one form or the other. Very common among these network systems are the use of the systems to create electronic commerce and protection of data from public domain. E-crime is a major form of cyber threat that has resulted in a lot of advocacy programs to combat the situation. The e-crime Bureau therefore notes that â€Å"The development of appropriate legislations and policies across corporate and government departments is an integral aspect of mitigating the cyber threat.† ... It will be noted that â€Å"Linux is a multitasking, multiuser operating system, which means that many people can run many different applications on one computer at the same time† (Grove, 1998). By this, there is a very high change of taking advantage of the multiplex nature of the accessibility core of the Linux. But indeed, the mere fact that Linux allows for multiuser system does not permit just any person to break into the system of other people. From the case study, it can be noticed that there is a particular hub that has been invaded by whoever is behind the plot. There confirmation that there was a specific target on one of the hubs is the fact that when nmap scan of the suspect system was done using the IT technician’s laptop, there were conflicting output listings as against the running of the lsof program to list the open transport layer network file descriptors on the same suspect system. Basically, Linux operates with a shell. A shell has been explained as â€Å"a program that takes the commands you type and translates them into instructions to the operating system† (Grove, 1998). In the person’s effort to invade Stilianos’ system without Stilianos’ notice, it is very much likely that the shell was the first system component to be tampered with. It is for this reason that according to the case study, two listening services on TCP ports 3457 and 32411 did not show up when viewed from within the system. b) Answers to the following questions: When and how Stilianos’ machine was initially compromised? The indication has already been given that the shell might have been tempered with as the first move to invade Stilianos’ system. As far as the shell of the Linux system

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